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Mid-Year Review Conversation

This page contains information regarding the Mid-Year Review and the Mid-Year Review Conversation Guide.

When will 2023's Mid-Year Review take place?

  • 4 July - 25 August 2023

Why have a Mid-Year Review Conversation? â€‹

For Employees:

  • Discuss achievements from the first half of the year, to better understand performance expectations and what actions to take for the next half. 

  • Facilitates practice of providing continuous feedback to better support your learning and development.


  • Opportunity to highlight how your manager could support you in your career with Aspial.

For Managers:

  • Discuss achievements from the first half of the year, to better understand progress on goals and recommend actions to take for the next half. 

  • Facilitates practice of providing continuous feedback to better support your employee's learning and development.

  • Opportunity to receive more insights on how you can better support your employees in their career with Aspial.

Depending on your Role, you may be using SuccessFactors(SF)

to facilitate your Mid-Year Review

Retail Frontline (All)

Head Office (Non-Execs)

You need not use the SF System for Mid-Year Review.

Please have a face to face meeting with your supervisor

Head Office Execs and Above

Please complete your 

Mid-Year Review in SF

It helps to be prepared for a productive two-way conversation during your Mid-Year Review

The Mid-Year Review Conversation Guide will help you organise ideas and anticipate what topics would be covered during the discussion.

Guide for Employees

(Sections numbered 1 - 4)

Guide for Managers

(Sections labeled A - D)

Click to Download the Mid-Year Review Conversation Guide

Suggested Flow of Conversation

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