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Performance Conversation

for Managers

Before the Performance Conversation:
Use the space below if you need to pen down your thoughts as you follow the guide. You can then copy out or print out, for your own reference.
1. Preparation "Failing to prepare is preparing to fail"

Then to meet for the Performance Discussion,

1)Send a Calendar invite to set aside time (at least 1 hour) for you and your employee. E.g. "2021 Performance Review and 2022 Performance Goals Discussion"

2)Book a suitable meeting room.

3)Get ready for the performance meeting (see below for conversation template).

2. Review 2-way conversation template
Elbow Greetings

Greet your employee, and make them feel welcome by engaging in some small talk.

Talk through your employee's goals for the last year - what went well? What did not?

(Point 1A Above)


State their Overall Strengths (Point 1B)

Then Areas for Development (Point 1C)

Shooting Targets

Discuss what are the goals for the new year

Allow your employee to settle down and express their feelings coming into this session.

Ask: How does your employee think they’ve performed against each of their goals?

Ask: Does your employee have any feedback or concerns?

Ask: Does your employee require any clarifications on the goals?

Does your employee need any support to help them reach the goal?

3. Understanding the Process
Calibration Process.png
Business Meeting
Psychology Patient
Insurance Consultation
Hand Reaching Out

What is Performance Calibration?

Performance calibration is the process of ensuring all employees' performance ratings are consistent and fair - that managers apply similar standards to all employees.


Managers will attend a Calibration Meeting within the business unit. They should come ready to represent the employees in their team/department. Managers will need to support the rationale for giving a particular rating, with specific examples/behavioural evidence.


The goal of the meeting is for Managers to discuss the most important criteria to differentiate top performers; review the proposed ratings of employees; and determine the alignment with the criteria identified for top performers. After discussion, the Managers agree on performance ratings for each employee, making adjustments as appropriate.  

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