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Performance Management Process - Retail Employee

What do I do for the Performance Management Process as a Retail Employee?

Sections in this Page (Click Button to Jump)


Process Overview


(Covered in this page)

What Rating Scale is being used?


A 5-point Rating scale will be used now.​


It is more than just a Score.​

More details on Rating Scale and Performance Factors in:


Completing Employee Self-Assessment on SuccessFactors (SF)

Step 1: Login to SuccessFactors and Access your Form

Click or Scan the QR code to go to SuccessFactors

Step 2: Navigating & Filling up the eForm

Fill in Functional Competencies and Overall Comments 

What to do for Functional Competencies 

  • Click on the corresponding number of stars to do self-rating for each Competency

  • (Optional) Provide brief description of performance in the textbox under each Competency

What to do for Overall Comments 

Provide a brief description of Performance in textbox

  • Minimum 20 characters

  • "No comment", "N/A", "I have no comments" are not valid entries

  • This is a compulsory field to fill

Note: You may use the Tabs to navigate your eForm, and refer to Information buttons to check completion status of your eForm

Step 4: Submitting / Saving & Closing

If the eForm is ready for submission, you may click "Send to Next Step". Ensure that you have checked through and there are no more changes on your end before that.


If not, you may click "Save and Close" and come back to it again later.


However, do remember to send your eForm to the next step before the deadline!

Once you have completed the Steps above...

Prepare yourself to have the Performance Conversation with your Manager:

Wht next

Appraisee's Overall Comments

​Share your achievements. Provide examples of where you have met and exceeded the expectations.

My customer satisfaction score is xx.
On xx Jun, my customer Mr. X wrote me a feedback card praising my service.
From Month X to Month Y, I taught and guided new employee xx, and ensured he was able to perform stated duties within xx period.

Appraiser's Overall Comments

Feedback can increase employee engagement and retention, so, as a manager, it’s important to take them seriously.

The comments you provide on a performance review need to be more specific than “You exceeded expectations.”


Here are some things to keep in mind when writing performance evaluation comments:


1. Review past and present performance.

2. Be honest and clear

3. Provide concrete examples

4. Choose your words carefully

5. Avoid being negative


Find out how you can "talk like a human: 50 employee evaluation comments your team would like to hear" or see examples of performance evaluation comments for improvement

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