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Performance Conversation

for Employees

Before the Performance Conversation:
Use the space below if you need to pen down your thoughts as you follow the guide. You can then copy out or print out, for your own reference.
1. Preparation "Luck favours those who are prepared"
2. ​Performance Review Discussion

Entering into a performance review conversation, it’s important that you KEEP AN OPEN MIND.

It’s almost guaranteed that you will receive not-so-great feedback and/or constructive criticism, so how should you handle that?

Always know that the intention is for your future self to become better than your current self.


   Be Prepared

  • Spend some time to reflect.  Be honest with yourself.  You should have an idea of what you have done well, and also the areas for improvement.

  • If you were the manager, what would you say about your own performance?


   Be Humble

  • Listen attentively to understand the feedback.  Do not be defensive.

  • Seek clarification (if necessary) and politely ask for examples.

  • Ask for suggestions on how you can do better.  This allows you to understand the expectations.


   Stay Positive

  • Be appreciative and say “Thank You” for the feedback

  • Share your perspective.

  • If you need time to reflect on the feedback before committing to an action, ask for it! 


At the end of the conversation, you should understand:

  • The rationale for your performance rating

  • The expectations of you in your role

  • The areas where you can improve or contribute

3. Understanding the Performance Management Process
Calibration Process.png

What is Performance Calibration?

Performance calibration is the process of ensuring all employees' performance ratings are consistent and fair - that managers apply similar standards to all employees.

Managers will attend a Calibration Meeting within the business unit. They should come ready to represent the employees in their team/department. Managers will need to support the rationale for giving a particular rating, with specific examples/behavioural evidence.


The goal of the meeting is for Managers to discuss the most important criteria to differentiate top performers; review the proposed ratings of employees; and determine the alignment with the criteria identified for top performers. After discussion, the Managers agree on performance ratings for each employee, making adjustments as appropriate.  

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